Overcoming Life’s Constat Obstacles
On the radio, I heard that an oncologist asked God every day if today was the day that he was going to cure childhood cancer. He works his tail off every day but still has to tell parents their child will die. How could his heart take all that heartbreak day after day? I think about police officers who respond to what they think is a typical dispatch, that ends up taking a turn for the worse and their life is taken. I would be nervous about going to work every day if I was a cop!
I had to look up the word barrage from the devotion today, so for those of you who need it too, it is the constant bombardment over a wide area. The author says, “My strength is made weak by the constant barrage of what this year keeps throwing at us, and in my helplessness, I remember Jesus’ words to His disciples in John 16:33:
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
I repeat the verse over and over, and in His words, I hear truth and hope. The truth is that we will have trouble in this world. We will face abandonment, loneliness, hatred, and death. Out of love and kindness, Jesus wants us to be aware rather than surprised when these things happen; they are to be expected.
Then, He gives this two-fold promise of hope: First, when everything is chaos, we can have peace in Him. Second, we can be encouraged because Christ has already overcome the world.
We can get through hard things because we follow a God who has gone through every hard thing and has come out of it victoriously. When we are weary and we feel like we can’t take another hit, we can be encouraged. We can overcome it. Christ has gone before us, and in Him, our weaknesses are the platforms from which His power shines.”
So even on my hard days as a teacher, I want to think about other professions and the heartache they endure to better help me overcome my fears and worries as I walk into school each day by leaning on the peace that only God can give.
Written by Susan Hopkins with inspiration from her daily devotional at Proverbs31 ministries.
Devotion from Proverbs31 Ministries
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